This adventure is guided by what is known as the best dancer clown in the world, a title gently offered and received by himself. We're talking about 'Mr. Pina ', that in another moment will present itself. Going back to the show, this wonder of the earth has already circulated around the planet, including Bodocó, Petrolina, Triunfo and Recife (PE), Araripe, Potengi, Crato, Juazeiro do Norte, Campos Sales, Pontal do Araripe and Santana do Cariri (CE), Belo Horizonte (MG), Curitiba (PR), Salvador (BA), Manaus (AM), Porto Alegre (RS), Campo Grande (MS), Campinas (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Buenos Aires (AR), Punta Del Este (UR), Assuncion (PAR), Santiago, Val Paraiso (CHI), Bogotá (COL), Sucre (BOL), among other wonderful places that we had the pleasure of meeting. This time we want to know your land. It could be a group show, that is, a lot of clowns making happen, or, if you can not take the whole troop, we can go only with Mr. Pina, he promises to take lots of pictures and take them as souvenirs for the whole staff that stays. With one or a thousand, we promises that we will make the most dizzyingly joyful confusion wherever we pass. For this we have: leg of wood, pyrophagia and much, but much clowning. And then, It may Happen?
Festival Janeiro Tem + Artes (PE) | 2020
Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste de Sousa (PB) / Assentamento Angélica | 2019
Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste Fortaleza (CE) | 2019
Sesc Triunfo (PE) | 2018
Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste Cariri (CE) | 2018
Sesc Crato (CE) / Araripe e Potengi | 2018
Sesc Fortaleza (CE) | 2017
Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste Fortaleza (CE) | 2017
Sesc Crato (CE) / Serra da Chapada do Araripe, Santana do Kariri e Campos Sales | 2017
Ficha técnica
Concepção e atuação: Lucas Pradino
Fotógrafa e videomaker: Ana Clara Muner
Produção: Ana Clara Muner e Lucas Pradino